Monthly Archives: October, 2014

R.I.P. My father: Wayne Monroe Jorden

There are times in life that seem stressful in the moment – but if/when you “survive” them, they provide material to laugh about. The morning of October 5, 2014, I had booked a taxi to take my father to Leeds Railway Station. He would catch a bus to Huddersfield (renovations were being conducted on the track …

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A (somewhat unexpected) visit…

Since I first started working/studying abroad, I have always envied co-workers/fellow students who have been fortunate enough to enjoy visits from close friends and family. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen in Japan (probably because the flight is too long/expensive for many people in the U.S.) or France (probably due to the relatively short time I was living in L’Hexagone). While Genba and …

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